Practicing the Presence of God
I decided to start this site (Sacred Ties) to enhance and expand ideas of connecting
my company (Sacred Ties) creates lovely stoles and Tallits for clergy
any comments welcomed
In the end,
worship can never be a performance, not something you’re pretending or putting on. It’s got to be an overflow of your heart...Worship is about doing, it’s about being personal with God, drawing close to God. -Matt Redman
If we take apart this word, it means to give value to something above us. Just how do we draw closer to God, or go deeper in our relationship with our Creator? Perhaps prayer and meditation are one way. In listening to each other and our own inner voice we accept each others as God's own.
A few years ago several people here in the valley decided to meet regularly to pray for peace. In these troubled times we felt we could center ourselves and be moved to some social action to promote world peace and understanding between cultures. Passionate about peace and non-violence we formed a Sunday evening group to do just that.
When I accept myself and others as my family in this web of life I can listen without judgment or preconceived notions. In this frame I honor myself and serve my brothers and sisters. Another means of expressing my love of God is to worship and adore God’s creation. By honoring the creation and being rooted in stillness I honor God. This is living out spirituality - spirituality being the whole picture.
Putting together a worship service means paying attention to minute details because it is done for God with care. Whether singing or listening in attentive silence to God's word or serving my brothers and sisters - worship is lived out in community and in service. When we are committed to worship together it becomes more about being in God's presence than what we do. The job isn't as important as who we do it for.
In a few week Easter will arrive and I will be singing from the choir loft. I’ll probably be whining, from allergies blooming in the confines of our Cathedral like sanctuary. Sunday morning, right on schedule, in a jam-packed church, our choir will be chaotic and my husband’s place will be empty because he can’t stand the crowd. We will have a cross covered with flowers.
My husband wouldn’t be happy anyway because there won’t be enough bulletins and it‘s difficult to follow our service. More whining, although silently. However, if fully committed to doing everything for the glory of God my life becomes worship and it doesn’t matter what “job” I’m doing. It’s all about serving and enjoying God’s presence, at home or with the community. Easter changes nothing, it changes everything