Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Is this too funny?
Dylan does Halloween for our friends

Mommie is making fun of me again.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's been an incredibly hot summer. However, a couple of weeks in Tahoe and visiting my new grandniece made it worthwhile. Now I'm ready for the new semester for ToolsforTomorrow.org

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Let your Light Shine

for quite awhile we have been humming this simple hymn. It takes me back to a gentler time with my parents at Tuolumne Camp

Monday, March 26, 2007

How blessed we are, everyday
with God's abundant love and the lives we live

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Thursday, March 22, 2007


We have such fun when we get together as a clan. How fortunate we are to love and live in a family that shares and truly blesses each other. We've missed so many Christmas' since moving south but they are always in our hearts.
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Thursday, March 15, 2007


For the past few months we've been introducing animals to kids to use in stories they create Madie did a great job here. How we treat kids is how God loves us. Abundantly, extravagantly and without bounds


Thursday, February 01, 2007

The animals of God's creation inhabit the skies, the earth and the sea. They share in the ways of human beings and have a part in our lives. St. Francis of Assi recogniged this when he called the animals, wild and tame, his brothers and sisters. Remembering Francis' love for these sisters and brothers of ours we invite God's blessing on the earth and thank God for letting us share in creation.
We create stoles and things to help our brothers and sisters center.

Hopefully we can help you connect to that which loves you and directs you to your greatest potential. We can help you find a thin place to revive your spirit and heal past trauma.